Course content

  1. The first part of the course gives an introduction to interdisciplinary education based on current pedagogical trends and approaches. The primary source of inspiration is the Finnish National Core Curriculum's interdisciplinary framework for project-based learning, transversal themes and education for sustainable development. In addition to the Finnish context, we also study lessons learned and the theoretical and pragmatic insights gained through interdisciplinary education projects and cooperations in Asia, America, Europe, and Australia.
  2. The second part of the course offers insights to improve student-centered approaches by experience-oriented enhancement of collaboration and creativity in the learning process. We will also focus on the pedagogically conscious design and implementation of learning materials, the role of student-centered environments, and the challenge of introducing experience-oriented pedagogical methods.
  3. Innovative educational projects, tools and applications. You can learn from educational case studies of extraordinary STEAM projects. We will explore the benefits of involving students into such low-threshold educational activities like representing mathematical and artistic connections in the form of student-made artworks. In addition to providing inspiration and concrete ideas for interdisciplinary learning projects, we will introduce the pedagogical and institutional requirements of preparing such activities and developing the "interdisciplinary learning mindset" in your educational community.

For whom:

High school and secondary school teachers.

Learning outcomes:

Participants become familiar with the Finnish National Core Curriculum’s recommendations for student- and learning-centered learning.

Participants get a pragmatic  introduction to Finnish STEM and STEAM learning.

Course structure

4x45 minutes online learning (videos and live interactions) + 4x45 minutes individual learning

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